Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Writer's Block

I am at another slump in my book. Unsure of my trajectory once again. I think what I need to do is read through everything that I have written up until this point, and then figure out where the holes are and how it is that I should fill them. I began by going through my dad’s journal to my brother and I, responding to each segment at a time. However, I no longer think this is the best, nor most efficient, way to go about it. Instead, it’s taking on a life of it’s own; becoming more and more thematic, with a chronological strand running through it in kind of a “two steps forward, one step back” motion. After all, isn’t that how we go through life? Progress with the occasional bit of regression? It is the moments when we feel we are moving backwards or simply stagnant (arguably one and the same) that we must pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and meet the challenge face to face, unblinkingly. It is in the last second of our backwards step that we find our true grit and are then propelled forward to take those two, bounding steps ahead. That feeling of progression gives us the energy and courage we need to carry on, preparing us for the next backwards step that occurs. Every one of these revolutions takes us a bit further, makes us a bit stronger. This cyclical, forward-motion provides us with knowledge to pass on to those who come after us, and also wisdom to draw from the knowledge of those who have come before.

“Writer’s block, begone! Thank you for the purpose you’ve served, but it’s time I move on!” This is me pushing ever-forward in search of my dreams.

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