Monday, 29 May 2017


You'll never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong.

This is, of course, pertaining to life in general. At first glance it sounds de-motivating. But think about it: how much misery do we put ourselves through obsessing over "getting things done" and "getting things right", hoping to arrive at some magical and elusive place of accomplishment? I am the queen of to-do lists, so I am all too familiar with this common fallacy. Even if I was to get all-of-the-things done, what then? How bored would I then be? Would I not conjure up some other desire, interest, or curiosity to then start a new list? Of course I would. Because that what life is; it is moving from desire to desire, a myriad of contrasting moments, a continual shedding of the old, and adapting to the new and the better.

I don't mean material things (although that is also true). I mean aspects of ourselves. We are not stagnant beings, and we were never meant to be stagnant beings. Movement means change, which leads to evolution, which results in expansion. In that expansion there is joy, and the freedom to choose that joy. Or not. Lucky us, we only get one moment at a time to make that choice. All previous choices are irrelevant, for those moments have quite literally passed. All the ones to come are beautiful mysteries. Joy is before you now, in this moment as it has been in all other moments, and as it will be again, and again. The best part? No matter what you choose, you cannot get it wrong.

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